Using a bank card, you can choose / alter the amount you wish to donate. We use Payfast, a safe, encrypted payment gate to protect everyone involved. Should you wish your donation be deducted from your personal or business tax, we can do this, please make contact after the donation. Thank you very much for your support.
Please help support our fight against RHD and associated strains (RHDV2+)
What we do:
- Monitor,
- Contain,
- Educate,
- Ensure reports are indeed RHD
- Finding true causes of death if not RHD (Read below some of our findings)
- Assisting distraught owners with a handling plan to ensure the minimizing of spread
- Ensuring the correct protocol used
- Weather-related monitoring for statistics
- Other full data for statistics
- Project RHD – Working towards a more cost-effective Vaccine by ensuring the correct import numbers and statistics and getting RSA seen as a Proactive RHD Management country so we can obtain funding and sponsorships to assist with vaccinations; thus protecting our rabbits.
- and more!
How Tax deductions work: If you have a tax number, either personal or business, and are required to pay tax on income, you can donate to our registered 18A PBO organisation and receive a tax deductible certificate. That way, you know exactly what happens with your tax money. You can deduct up to 10% of your yearly INCOME. Please whatsapp us should you like a more detailed response.