October 2024
After huge numbers recently being lost in Zimbabwe and ongoing, it is assumed RHDV2, especially as notes have arrived where rabbits have been illegally imported from South African affected areas, either via smuggling in taxis or via falsified permits where certain rabbitries are involved. It has come to light through rumours that permits are easily obtained “by a private guy.” Soon after the imports, rabbits started dying in huge numbers.
The Zimbabwean Rabbit Association, Zicorba, with their president, Regis Nyamakanga, has taken over efforts from rural farmers to raise the matter with the State Vet department. It was said that samples had been sent to South Africa’s Onderstepoort facility for PCR testing, but Onderstepoort has denied receiving any samples, as Zimbabwean Export and Import Permits were not allocated. We hope for the farmers that the matter is resolved fast, so that they can implement quarantine and be prepared, and for those affected, have closure.
Several private farmers raised concerns, that Zicorba is not as proactive as it should be, as it will influence their meat abattoirs, outlets and exports. Zicorba claimed that state vets said to release results by the end of the week, before the RHD.Of-Africa Team found out that no samples had yet crossed the border to be tested. No news on any tests has been received, but the farmers of Zimbabwe did implement Biosecurity and ensured Education.
RHD.0f-Africa.com also learned that Zambia, in specific Lusaka, had multiple deaths.